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Poto/女人 , Man253

Jean Jacques Andre / Mythica Jean Jacques André (France, B. 1932) Mythica Myths Centaur And Amazon Eurydice Worship Suzanne And The Elders Aphrodite Icarus Fountain Of Youth Equus Ulysse And The Sirens Biblical Magdelena Crossing The Styx Purgatory Hell Eve Et Dieu Crea La Femme Medieval Celtic Warrior Mise En Garde To Arms Medicare Conquest La Belle Et La Bete La Machine Infernale Security Breach Ti.. 2010. 7. 7.
Jean Jacques Andre / Mortality Jean Jacques André (France, B. 1932) Mortality Angels The Touch Anges Gardien Fallen Angel Salvation Bigger Than Life Death Angel l Ange Noir Guardian Angel Retirement Mortality Land And Sea Rescue The Shroud Danse Macabre Land And Sea Rescue La Marquise Procession Redemption Obsession Specter Aftermath Oil Spill The Price Of Glory Gas Leak Night Watch Aftermath War Surplus War Zone Emergency.. 2010. 7. 6.
Claude Andreini / Legs Claude Andreini (Belgium, B.1950) 봄날 창틀, 방향을 정했는지 나비 한 마리 어디론가 날아간다 몇 번이나 자기 몸을 접었다 폈다 하면서. 잘못 접혔던 자국들이 날개를 이루는 무늬로 남았다 이 기선의 글 中에서. 다리여서 다행인지도 모른다. 만일 날개를 갖고도 먹먹하도록 아무것도 보이지 않았다면. 나는.. 2010. 7. 5.
Geraldine Georges / As Yet Untitled Geraldine Georges (Belgium) Fall Asleep Pink Fashion Love Color The Kiss Heart Enemy Do Not Speak! Think! Tears * France Dubois France Dubois * As Yet Untitled Time Blind Silence Cocoon Necklace Muet Luxure Kill Fashion * Corne Landscape Bird's Tree * Black & White * Eclipse Soul Sister Ladybird Ghost Of Soul Thoughts Ladybird Ladybird Ladybird France Dubois Ladybug Blind Snow White Summer Humm.. 2010. 7. 5.