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畵/묵묵한 기록

Georges Mazilu / 부조리와 Grotesque

by 알려하지마 2010. 10. 25.







Georges Mazilu  (Roumania, B.1951)





Madonna  I 




 Madonna  II




Fille A La Coiffe Rouge 




Girl With Curly Hair 




Profile De Madone 




L'homme Habille En Rouge 







Fille En Robe Bleu-Vert 








Girl With Long Hair 




Madonna Of The Flowers 




Madonna With Flowers 








Girl With Flowers In Her Hair 




Madonna Of The Cherries 




Madonna In Venetian Costume 




La Fille Au Pompon Bleu 




Iris - La Fille Aux Perles 












Madonna In An Embroidered Dress 




Girl in An Embroidered Dress And A Red Hat 








 Fille A La Robe Brodee












 Le Beret Vert




Femme Au Turban




 Girl In An Embroidered Dress




The Captain 




 Garcon Au Rongeur




Man With A Squirrel 




Le Petit Homme Rouge 




L'enfant Avec Chien




Les Fiances Avec Poires




Les Fiances 




 Double Portrait Avec Merle








 Le Joueur De Cartes




 Femme A La Souris




Harlequin With Cherries 








Aesope Et La Sphinx 








The Archer 




La Benediction 




The Artist And The Apprentice 




 Des Oeufs Et Des Cerises








Mother And Son 




Party With Vegetables 












 Le Desir




The Drummer 




 Le Jeu Des Cartes








Le Visiteur Tardif




La Gravitation 




 Le Prince




Des Hommes Et Des Billes 








Suzanne Et Les Vieillards 




 Le Comptoir Aux Chats




Two Boys Wooing A Pretty Dog Owner 




The Father 




The Pony 




L'homme Au Pendule 




Les Hallucines








The Guardian 




Le Prince 




Le Prisonnier 








Femme Avec Chien 




Le Bonhomme Zen




Femme Ave Chat 




Le Lanceur Des Balles 




Icarus As A Child 




Le Petit Tambour 








Standing Figure 




St. Sebastian 




The Race 




Seated Woman 









“Some features of my present art as absurdity and grotesque could find their explanation in my youth years spent in socialist Romania.

In their origins my compositions are abstract constructions that I gradually build into representational images.

This process permits me to sound my unconscious as I transform abstractions into harmonious structures, mirrors of my present state of mind.

I try to keep my logic from interfering, slowly converting my constructed forms into figures.

In the final stage the process continues more consciously as I work to create an atmosphere around the figures that completes their world,

a world that reflects the complexities and psychological realities of our own environment. ”



Georges Mazilu








그의 작품 모티브는 부조리와 그로데스크이다
그것은 그가 사회주의인 루마니아에서 청소년기를 보냈던 영향이 크다
즉 그의 표현은 어릴적 가졌던 표상체계에
조화롭게 그의 추상적 이미지를 덧붙여 가는 것으로
의식 없이 존재하는 스스로 지닌 내면의 형평성과
복잡한 삶의 환경에서 심리적 현실을 반영하는 것으로
확고한 자신의 논리와 독창적 표현으로
세계적으로 이목을 집중시키는 좋은 작가이다.





















Michel Petrucciani - Play School            









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